Hi friends!
As my punny little graphic above declares: I’ve got some exciting news regarding the future of my work.
In an effort to better organize my presence online, I’m splitting what I create into two brands. This will allow me to do everything I feel compelled to do, but with a more organized/cohesive portfolio. Here’s a basic breakdown of the changes going forward;
Fin and Feather Art :: All of my wildlife/nature work, commercial illustration and design will live here. Nothing will change with the shop info, or ordering ability.
E.H.Sherman Art :: This will be the new home for all of my abstract watercolors. I am head-over-heels in love with the process of creating these pieces and am so thrilled for them to finally have a place to be seen together. This comes complete with a new abstract-centric blog and tumblr account for insights into this portion of the studio. Head over to the new site and check it out!

I crave organization, and I think this will be the best way to keep my work in portfolios that make sense.
But, that means the chaos of dealing with two distinct brands. Multiple shops for each brand, different email lists, different creative opportunities… I’m hoping to be able to manage it all myself, but I may be in the market for a few interns (or an IV of coffee) here shortly.
Thanks for sticking with me thus far, and here’s to the future!