I am an overthinker — especially when it comes to my work.
In most cases I am slow and meticulous with each detail, leaving no mark where I didn’t completely plan to leave a mark. When I work with pencil/pen it is a time consuming but quite possible task. With watercolor however it’s not only incredibly difficult but contrary to the nature of the medium itself. Watercolor goes where it’s going to go, leaving all sorts of blooms and trails behind if you don’t sop up the pigment or push it around the page.
I think that might be why I am so drawn to working with watermedia; for all my intent and planning something usually happens that wasn’t totally planned out. And I love it.
So when I find myself getting bogged down in detail, fingers aching with teeny tiny repeated movements — I turn to my watercolors and let loose. I make a few washes in various trays, get out my big fat brushes and go to town. No sketching. No planning. Just color on a white page. There is something slightly terrifying about surrendering the page to whatever in his my head at that exact moment in time, but the resulting paintings usually turn out to be some of my favorites.
Here are two that I created recently. I loved these so much that I actually turned them into iOS wallpapers
(Shoot me an email if you want a set — still figuring out how to add a download area.)